Tom and Jerry: Shiver Me Whiskers

Tom and Jerry Shiver Me Whiskers is a 2006 animated madeforvideo motion picture starring Tom and Jerry.

After that, the movie continues with Tom and Jerry traveling aboard the same pirate ship. It is soon revealed that Ron is searching for the Lost Treasure of the Spanish Mane. By chance, a wave carries the map to the treasure aboard. Tom hides the map, but is warned by the ghost of the Spanish Manes captain, Don Diego de Clippershears, that if the map is not returned to the ocean by sunset, a curse will begin.At one point, Tom and Jerry escape from a giant squid by using a cannon. The ship is then attacked by Rons brother, Bob, who also speaks with the help of his parrot with credit for the attack due to Jerry. Bobs crew manages to steal the map, but Ron retrieves it and shoots down his brothers ship. Rons crew celebrates and Tom is given seafood as a treat. ........

Source: Wikipedia